Parent 1
First Name
Last Name
Parent 2
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Children/Children's Names & Ages:
What has led you to reach out for support?
What strategies have you tried?
What has been your child's response to these strategies?
What are your child's strengths?
Please describe your parenting style.
Please describe your partner's parenting style. (if applicable)
My child struggles with
Please check all that apply
Understanding spoken directions
Understanding and following conversations
Expressing concerns, needs, or thoughts in words
Telling someone what's bothering them
Staying with tasks requiring sustained attention
Doing things in a logical sequence or set order
Keeping track of time (age appropriate)
Reflecting on multiple thoughts or ideas at the same time
Maintaining focus during activities
Ignoring irrelevant noises, people or stimuli; tuning things out when necessary
Considering a range of solutions to a problem
Thinking rationally, even when frustrated (age appropriate)
Managing irritability in an age appropriate way
Managing anxiety in an age appropriate way
Managing disappointment in an age appropriate way
Thinking before responding considering the likely outcomes or consequences of their actions
Adjusting arousal levels to meet demands of situation (ex. calming down after recess or getting upset, falling asleep, waking up etc)
Handling transitions, shifts easily from one task to another
Being able to think in "shades of gray" rather than thinking only in "black- and-white"
Thinking hypothetically, is able to envision different possibilities
Handling deviations from rules, routines, and original plans
Handling unpredictability, ambiguity, uncertainty and novelty
Shifting away from an original idea, solution or plan
Taking into account situational factors that may mean a change in plans
Interpreting information accurately/avoiding over-generalizing or personalizing ( "you always blame me", "its not fair", "I'm stupid")
Paying attention to verbal and nonverbal social cues
Interpreting nonverbal social cues accurately (like facial expressions and tone of voice)
Starting conversations with peers, enter groups of peers appropriately
Seeking attention in appropriate ways
Understanding how their behavior affects other people
Understanding how they come across or are perceived by others
Empathizing with others, appreciating others' perspective or points of view
Does your child have any medical conditions, diagnoses or special needs?
Please provide any formal or suspected diagnosis
Does your child any medications for behavioral or mental health needs?
Does your child currently receive any other intervention or support services? If yes, please list services (OT, speech etc)
What do you hope to gain from this process?
Have you sought support for the challenges before?
If yes, please describe
Is there any other information you would like me to know?